OOG reliable since 2010
We provide the safe placement of the goods in the warehouse, staying in compliance to the rules to servicing the cargo, providing stock control and safe storage.

Storage and warehousing services are an integral part of the modern transport and logistics infrastructure. We carefully have to check and find a safe storage location for your cargo. Those storage conditions are different, therefore, we have learned from our positive experience to carefully select profitable and fully appropriate storage locations for your cargoes.
Logistics Integration Systems LTD. Can have all its customers ensured that clear rules for warehouse cargo handling, stock controlling, recording and keeping as safe and secure are our main task to have done. Warehousing and storage of the high quality aims to eliminate any risk of damage to the cargo or spoil of goods in the warehouse. We offer the full range of the storage servicing and warehousing:- long-term and short-term cargo storage in accordance with the requirements for its being safe;
- loading and unloading handling procedures;
- stock control and storage monitoring;
- packing procedure, preparation of the cargo for transportation.